
Dentures in Bellevue, WA


What Are Dentures?

Dentures are removable appliances designed to replace missing teeth and restore the function and appearance of your mouth. They are commonly used when someone has lost multiple teeth or needs to replace all of their teeth in either the upper or lower jaw.

Dentures are typically made of a combination of acrylic resin and metal, although there are also all-acrylic or all-metal dentures available. They consist of artificial teeth attached to a pink or gum-colored acrylic base that rests on the gum tissue. The base is custom-made to fit the shape of your mouth and is supported by your gums and sometimes by underlying bone or dental implants.

Types of Dentures

  • Complete Dentures: These are used when all of the natural teeth are missing in either the upper or lower jaw. They consist of a full set of artificial teeth mounted on an acrylic base that covers the entire gum ridge. Complete dentures are held in place by suction and the muscles of the mouth.
  • Partial Dentures: These are used when some natural teeth remain in the mouth. Partial dentures have artificial teeth attached to a metal or acrylic framework that clasps onto the remaining natural teeth. They fill the gaps left by missing teeth and help restore the ability to bite and chew properly.

Benefits of Dentures

Dentures offer several benefits for individuals who have lost their natural teeth. Here are some advantages of dentures:

  • Restored Function: Dentures help restore the ability to chew and bite properly, allowing you to enjoy a wider variety of foods. This can enhance your overall nutrition and digestion.

  • Improved Speech: Missing teeth can affect speech, causing difficulties in pronunciation and clarity. Dentures provide support for the lips and tongue, improving speech and pronunciation.

  • Enhanced Appearance: Dentures can give you a natural-looking smile by replacing missing teeth and filling out your facial structure. They can help restore your self-confidence and improve your overall appearance.

  • Affordable Option: Dentures are often a more affordable tooth replacement option compared to alternatives like dental implants. They offer a cost-effective solution for individuals who may not be able to afford or undergo more complex dental procedures.

  • Non-Invasive Procedure: Getting dentures does not involve any surgical procedures. It is a relatively non-invasive process that does not require any major alterations to your existing teeth or jawbone.

  • Versatility: Dentures can be customized to fit your unique mouth shape and preferences. They can be designed to closely match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, resulting in a personalized and natural-looking smile.

  • Reversible Option: Unlike some other dental procedures, dentures are reversible. If you decide to explore other tooth replacement options in the future, you can transition away from dentures.

  • Support for Facial Muscles: Dentures help provide support to the facial muscles, preventing the sagging or sunken appearance that can occur when teeth are missing. This can help you maintain a more youthful and vibrant facial structure.

While dentures offer numerous benefits, it's important to note that they also have some limitations. They require regular maintenance, including proper cleaning and adjustments. Dentures may need to be replaced or relined over time due to changes in the mouth's structure. Additionally, some individuals may experience initial discomfort or difficulty adapting to dentures, although most people adjust to them with time and practice. Consulting our dentist can help you determine if dentures are the right solution for your specific dental needs.

Evaluation & Procedure

Getting dentures typically involves multiple visits to our dentist in Bellevue, WA. During the initial appointments, Dr. Stahl will take impressions of your mouth, make measurements, and create a model of your teeth and gums. This information is used to create custom-made dentures that fit your mouth and provide a natural-looking smile.

Am I a Candidate for Dentures?

You may be considered a good candidate for dentures if you have experienced significant tooth loss or are on the verge of losing most or all of your natural teeth. Here are some situations where dentures may be recommended:

  • Extensive Tooth Loss: If you have lost a large number of teeth or are facing the prospect of losing most of your teeth due to decay, gum disease, or other dental issues, dentures can provide a comprehensive solution for replacing your missing teeth.

  • Unhealthy or Damaged Teeth: If your remaining teeth are severely decayed, damaged, or have extensive periodontal disease that cannot be effectively treated, extraction of the remaining teeth may be necessary. Dentures can then be used to replace the extracted teeth.

  • Loss of Chewing Function: If you have difficulty chewing food properly due to missing teeth, dentures can help restore your ability to eat a wide variety of foods. This can improve your overall nutrition and quality of life.

  • Impaired Speech: Missing teeth can affect speech, causing difficulties in pronunciation and clarity. Dentures can improve speech by providing support for the lips and tongue.

  • Desire for Aesthetic Improvement: If you are unhappy with your smile or facial appearance due to missing teeth, dentures can enhance your overall appearance. They can fill out your facial structure and provide a natural-looking smile.

  • Financial Considerations: Dentures can be a more affordable tooth replacement option compared to alternatives like dental implants or fixed bridges. If cost is a significant factor for you, dentures may be a suitable choice.

It's important to note that every individual's dental situation is unique, and a thorough evaluation by our dentist is necessary to determine if dentures are the most appropriate treatment option for you. We will consider various factors, such as the condition of your remaining teeth and gums, your overall oral health, and your specific goals and preferences.

Alternatives to Dentures: Dental Implants

While dentures can be a suitable option for many individuals, they may not be the best choice for all patients. Here are some considerations where dental implants can be a promising alternative to dentures:

  • Stability and Function: Dental implants offer superior stability and function compared to dentures. Implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, where they fuse with the bone and act as artificial tooth roots. This provides a strong foundation for prosthetic teeth, allowing for a more natural biting and chewing experience. Unlike dentures, implants are fixed in place and do not rely on adhesives or clasps, offering a greater sense of security.

  • Bone Health: Dentures do not stimulate the underlying jawbone, which can lead to bone loss over time. Dental implants, on the other hand, provide stimulation to the jawbone similar to natural teeth. The implant's integration with the bone helps preserve its volume and density, maintaining better long-term oral health.

  • Improved Comfort: Dentures can sometimes cause discomfort, such as gum irritation or sore spots. Dental implants eliminate these issues by providing a stable and comfortable foundation for the replacement teeth. Implants feel and function more like natural teeth, offering a higher level of comfort and reducing the likelihood of mouth sores or discomfort.

  • Speech and Eating: While dentures can improve speech and eating compared to missing teeth, dental implants offer even greater benefits. Implants provide a more stable and secure platform for speaking and chewing, minimizing speech difficulties and enhancing the ability to eat a wide range of foods.

  • Longevity: Dentures typically require periodic adjustments, relining, or replacement due to changes in the mouth's shape or wear and tear. Dental implants, when properly cared for, can last for many years and even a lifetime. This can save patients from the hassle and expense of frequent denture maintenance or replacements.

  • Aesthetics: Dental implants provide a highly natural-looking and aesthetic result. The replacement teeth are custom-designed to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, blending seamlessly with your smile. Implants also help maintain the natural contours of your face, preventing the sunken appearance that can occur with dentures.

  • Convenience: Unlike dentures, which need to be removed for cleaning and soaking, dental implants can be cared for just like natural teeth. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups are all that's required to maintain good oral hygiene with implants.

It's important to note that dental implants may not be suitable for everyone. Certain medical conditions, insufficient jawbone density, or other oral health factors may affect a patient's eligibility for implants. A thorough evaluation by a dental professional is necessary to determine the most appropriate treatment option based on individual circumstances and needs.

How Long Do Dentures Last?

The average lifespan of dentures typically ranges from 5 to 10 years. However, this can vary depending on factors such as the quality of materials used, oral hygiene practices, and regular dental care. Daily cleaning and maintenance, along with regular dental check-ups, can help prolong the lifespan of dentures. Over time, wear and tear, changes in the jawbone, and other factors may affect the fit and functionality of dentures, necessitating adjustments or replacement. It's important to consult with our dentist for regular evaluations to ensure the dentures are in good condition and to address any necessary repairs or replacements.

Why Choose Us for Dentures in Bellevue, WA?

At Pineview Aesthetic & Family Dentistry, we are committed to providing our patients with the highest quality dental care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Our dental office is equipped with state-of-the-art dental technology and techniques to ensure optimal results for our patients. We also offer a comprehensive range of dental services, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and restorative dentistry, to meet the diverse needs of our patients. Our team of experienced and compassionate dental professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care and creating a positive dental experience for our patients.

If you are interested in dentures in Bellevue, WA, please contact Pineview Aesthetic & Family Dentistry to schedule a consultation. Our dentist will perform a comprehensive dental exam and develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. We look forward to helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile!

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